- Where do you read? On a couch, in bed, on the bus…?
- What do you read? Newspapers, comics, novels, tweets, Instagram posts…?
- When do you read? Mornings, evenings, on the bus, when you have time, when you make time…?
- Why do you read? To escape, to connect, to find our more, out of boredom, because you feel you should…?
- How does reading make you feel?
- Is reading “literature” different? Why? Why not? What is literature anyway?
- Why do you think this university (like many others) has a “literature requirement”? Why should literature be required? What does it offer?
- Is reading translated texts different? Why? Why not?
- What do you expect of Latin American literature?
- What images, concepts, or feelings do you associate with literature?
- What images, concepts, or feelings do you associate with Latin America?
- What images, concepts, or feelings do you associate with play or games?
The following questions are taken from your blog posts…
What experience do you have with reading literature? What are some things you love about literature? Also, have you read any/ are you familiar with Latin-American literature?
Do you ever picture what the setting or characters look like when you read a book? Is there a particular setting or mood that helps you read better?
What piece of literature has impacted you the most?
What’s a book you’ve read in the past year that’s surprisingly left a strong impression on you? What is that impression?
My question for you is what your favourite genre of book is?
What is your favourite genre of book? Why is that the case? Give some specific examples of this genre!
Who is favourite author and why?
What is your favourite thing you’ve ever read? It could be a book, article, comic, etc, anything goes.
If you were given the option to transport as any book or series, which one would you choose and why?
How do you see literature and reading as a tool for personal and societal change?
How many of your books (or other forms of literature) have a previous life? Or, some kind of signifier or clue alluding to its previous ownership.
Has a book ever created an eye-opening experience where you have even maybe changed your perspectives on a situation? And why was that?
Has anyone experienced a situation where you and/or classmate have had completely different perspectives on a book you both have read? And if so, why do you think that was?
What was the last book you read for fun? And how long ago was that?
What do you most enjoy about reading? The quiet? The story? The satisfaction of working your way through a book?
If you were to read an entire book in one sitting, what environment would you choose to read it in?
When the idea of influence comes up in the video lecture, it seems that it is built off of the influential writers who came before and served as inspiration. My question for discussion is: What else is it about a story or an author that makes us regard it as influential?
Latin America
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Latin America?
If you could visit any Latin American country/city, which one would it be? Why?
Have you ever had the chance to go to a country in the Latin American region? Another question: Where is your favourite place to read?
What is your favorite Latin American food to eat? Tacos and burritos don’t count. 😉
What does Latin America mean to you? Do you have any past experiences related to Latin American literature? If so, in what ways do you think your experiences will affect your approach to the readings?
How does Latin-American literature differ from your preferred style of literature? Do you have any experiences with Latin-American culture?
How do you think reading Latin American literature is going to differ from reading literature from other countries?
My question would be what overlaps speak to a greater similarity between the Latin American experience, and where do the stories themselves appear to be in opposition?
What aspects of life in the 19th century contributed to the emergence of realism in Latin American literature?
Does anyone have any recommendations for Latin American content such as TV shows, films, documentaries?
This Class
How do you think these texts would differ if they were not translated? Would our class discussions differ if SPAN312 were not held in English? How does translation impact interpretations of literature?
Which book are you all the most excited to start reading and why?
Which book are you most excited about? And why?
When choosing your reading list, were there any themes, locations, or identities you were cognizant of selecting? Why was this important to you?
How do you expect your perception of literature to change in the coming weeks?
Is anyone in this course to broaden their knowledge of Spanish literature in hopes of one day visiting these places with this new perspective?
Since I know nothing about Latin American literature, does anyone have any recommendations for stuff that isn’t on the syllabus but still worth reading?
Do any of you speak more than one language? If so, which languages? (Bonus if it’s spanish.)
Did relaxation over the break render you more prepared for the new semester?
How do you time-organize your readings?? All in one afternoon, 10 pages a night??
I am curious to know what methods or tactics you guys use to stay on top of course work and readings?