
Week 12: Love and Totalitarianism in Lemebel’s My Tender Matador

    A political malaise of smoke and mirrors, secretive plots and political rebellion create the tone of My Tender Matador, the Pedro Lemebel book which concerns a foiled Guerilla plot to take down the Augusto Pinochet regime in 1980s Chile. As this week’s lecture puts it, it is as much a political drama as […]

Week 12: My Tender Matador

I remember being told last week that we had made it to the end of the “linguistically difficult” texts. After reading this, I’m not sure about that. I’m certainly not complaining, though: my favourite part of this book was the way it was written, however hard it may be to follow along with the dialogue […]

Papi: from the eyes of a child

The book this week was quite a change a pace compared to the other reads in this course. The narration from the child’s perspective is quite a unique one compared to other books with a youthful and innocent narrator; there are a lot of nice stylistic touches that reminded me of my own childhood as … Continue reading

Week 12 – My Tender Matador (Pedro Lemebel)

The story of My Tender Matador, takes place in the Chile of 1986, having read Roberto Bolaño’s Distant Star, which is partly set in Chile in the immediate aftermath of the coup of September 11. Lemebel’s novel feels like a continuation of the story of the struggle against the military junta over a decade later. Along with […]

Week 12 – My Tender Matador

I actually really enjoyed My Tender Matador. It’s always nice to read a book from a queer perspective as the market is often filled with straight cis men. I thought the inner thoughts and dialogue of the Queen of the Corner were really fun to read and she had a very distinct voice. Even when she […]