The following questions are taken from your blog posts…
On Identity
Do you think identity, even if you are a non partisan, is political?
What are some other examples of how we see La loca express her identity or femininity? How is this important to the overall novel, especially in regard to her romance with Carlos and how she navigates the external political circumstances at hand?
On Politics
How does Lemebel’s use of language and character development convey the impact of politics on personal relationships, and what can we learn from this approach to storytelling about the importance of empathy and understanding in building connections with others?
When comparing the the novels presented in class written about the Pinochet regime in Chile, do you prefer when the regime is at the center of the novel or more on the periphery? Do you prefer having the contrast of the love story with the chaos existing in the environment, or do you prefer to be deeply in the mystery?
Do you agree that the goal of Pedro Lemebel, as well as other authors speaking on socio-political world events we had studied, is to humanise the conflict, or simply tell their own truth? In what ways do the two complement each other, or are incompatible?
On Names and Titles
What would you have done if you were the Queen of the Corner and had the option to find out the true name of Carlos – find out or leave it a mystery?
How did Lemebel’s choice to maintain uncertainty as well as the continuous changing of the main character’s name affect how you read and understood My Tender Matador?
Why do you think the English title My Tender Matador isn’t a direct translation of Tengo Miedo Torero? Which title do you prefer? Do you think the title you chose better conveys the “spirit” of the novel?
On Carlos and la loca
What did you think about the power dynamic between the Queen and Carlos?
Do you think the “true relationship” between the queen and Carlos is more or less meaningful, grounded on its initial “lies”? Moreover, can you think of any other examples of “truths” that emerged out of the “performances” in this story?
What did you think of the idea of the ‘importance of appearances’ that appears throughout the novel, do you think that Lucy/Augusto are similar to Queen/Carlos?
What are your thoughts about the poetry in the book?
Can the pursuit of triumph and success be achieved without leaving a trail of destruction in its wake? Or is destruction an inevitable cost of achieving one’s goals? In a world where success is often equated with power and domination, is it possible to achieve greatness without sacrificing our humanity and the well-being of those around us?
Do you know of other books that illustrate the “badge of pride”? If you were to describe “My Tender Matador” in one word, which vocabulary word would you choose?
Did others notice points at which the narrator intervened in the story in an active, interested way?
What theme or motif do you think has been most common in the books, short stories, and other literature we have read? Which one has been your favorite?