
Samanta Schweblin’s Fever Dream (Week Thirteen)

So, I am not going to even pretend that I understood any of the subtext for what was going on in this week’s reading as I barely understood what was happening on the surface of the narrative as I was reading it. I considered watching the Netflix film to fill in some gaps but I […]

Week 13: Fever Dream

I sympathize better with people who had trouble with Borges after reading Fever Dream; I had no idea what was going on for large sections of the novel. I didn’t mind too much, though, and disorientation was obviously Schweblin’s intent. While I was mostly able to follow along with the main narrative, I couldn’t figure […]

Fever Dream by Samanta Shweblin (Week 13)

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. As a sociology major, many of my classes focus on environmental impacts on foreign communities, so it was interesting to read a fictionalized take on the modern technology intervention of pesticide use in rural com…