
Week 4: Mistral

To be honest, I was a little bit unprepared for this weeks reading, not unprepared as in not ready to read this weeks text, but unprepared for the themes and ideas that Gabriela Mistral discusses in her work. After reading through all her poems, I found it somewhat difficult to fully understand all the thoughts […]

the madwomen

 I want to start this post by saying that The Madwomen by Gabriela Mistral was the first of the books we’ve read that I actually really liked. As in, I want to buy my own copy and reread it until I feel I understand it. I’m not sure exactly what i…


I was excited to read from this week’s author considering I had heard much about her but never got around to reading her work. I once went to a Spanish school named after Gabriel Mistral with only had a vague idea of her celebrated legacy as a Chilean poet. To be honest, I’ve always been […]