
Papi: from the eyes of a child

The book this week was quite a change a pace compared to the other reads in this course. The narration from the child’s perspective is quite a unique one compared to other books with a youthful and innocent narrator; there are a lot of nice stylistic touches that reminded me of my own childhood as … Continue reading

Week 12 – Papi

I loved this book. The narration from a child’s perspective really made the story stand out, and had me hooked from the beginning. There’s just something about viewing the world from a child’s perspective that keeps you captivated with whatever story they have to tell. Thinking back to the other novels we have read, I […]

Rita Indiana’s Papi: Many Holes to Fill

 This week we read Papi by Rita Indiana. This book is one of my favourites so far. I was always interested throughout the book and was intrigued by this complex father-daughter relationship. Some themes I want to discuss from the book are childlik…

Week 12, Indiana, “Papi”

Rita Indiana’s Papi was a thought-provoking read. In terms of difficulty, it was one of the ‘lighter’ reads—comparably bigger fonts, very colloquial narration, and manageable length. However, this book made me reflect on my relationship with my father and family in general. “Papi’s there, around any corner. But you can’t sit down and wait for […]


 This week’s novel felt like perhaps the most personal we have read so far this term. It is about a girl and her father, among a litany of other children, and a bunch of other people who see him as a sort of father figure. While reading it, I thou…