
Week 11: Distant Star

I found Distant Star to be deceptively easy to read, maybe the easiest in this class so far, yet extremely ambiguous in its themes. It’s clearly another book that the shadow of Borges looms large over, both as an influence and a foil. Bolaño has a similar way of writing to Borges, full of literary […]

Week 11: Distant Star by Roberto Balaño

 Hello Blog readers, This week I read Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño. This book was a relatively short novel; my copy consisted of 164 pages, so not that long of a read. However, it was very intriguing. The narration was enjoyable even though the …

Week 11: Distant Star by Roberto Balaño

 Hello Blog readers, This week I read Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño. This book was a relatively short novel; my copy consisted of 164 pages, so not that long of a read. However, it was very intriguing. The narration was enjoyable even though the …

Distant Star by Roberto Bolano (Week 11)

I really enjoyed reading this book by Bolano this week. One of my favourite genres is historical fiction, so this book was right up my alley. I also thought this book moved at a much colder pace than the other readings this term. The other books read w…