I felt somewhat indifferent toward this novella, Distant Star by Roberto Bolano. It had a similar energy to the Borges book we read (which I hated) but in a more accessible fashion. I have previously encountered the Bolano Literary Universe thanks to a…
Posted in Blogs, Bolaño | Tagged with serial killers, week 11
Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño is a novella about the political upheaval in Chile through Pinochet’s fascist regime with a focus on the (fictional) poets at the time. I found the formatting of the short story a little difficult to read, but it was an interesting stylistic choice. Not having the dialogue stand out from […]
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I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but sometimes I will not think much of a book, but then I’ll watch Jon’s lecture about it and suddenly it’s a masterpiece to me. I found this book to be a bit hard to follow, partly because if the jumping of the narratives and characters […]
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Hi all,I will echo my peers by agreeing that this has been a very amusing read. Although by no means a light book in terms of its heavy theme, and the whirlwind of politics that were going on around the poets in this story, Bolano, or our narrator, wro…
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Hi all,I will echo my peers by agreeing that this has been a very amusing read. Although by no means a light book in terms of its heavy theme, and the whirlwind of politics that were going on around the poets in this story, Bolano, or our narrator, wro…
Posted in Blogs, Bolaño | Tagged with Mystification
This week’s reading dealt head-on with some of the darkest themes we have discussed thus far this term, making it definitely one of the most emotionally challenging reads for me personally so far. Professor Beasley-Murray began his lecture by discussing the inherent barbarism at the heart of society, especially one which imposes hegemony. In the […]
Posted in Blogs, Bolaño | Tagged with Roberto Bolaño
In this week’s reading, I decided to read “Distant Star” by Roberto Bolano. If I am going to be completely honest, this story did not connect with me as much as the other stories we have read this term. It wasn’t that the story was unenjoyable or not interesting, but I found myself struggling to […]
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I ~think~ this is the first mystery-ish novel of the semester, and I have to say I really enjoyed both the change of pace and the novel itself. I recall being quite fascinated by Bolaño’s Amulet in RMST 202, and was absorbed by his eloquent and slightly grotesque writing style yet again in Distant Star. […]
Posted in Blogs, Bolaño | Tagged with cleansing, distantstar, extermination, murder, pilot, poet
This was an interesting book, definitely one of my favourites that we have read. It wasn’t what I was expecting, but I was pleasantly surprised. Something that really stood out to me was how different the overall writing style of the book was, in a way it was a lot less magical then the other […]
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I feel like I say this every two weeks but this week’s reading, Distant Star, by Roberto Bolaño was probably my favourite so far. It read extremely well, was fast paced, discussed themes I am very interested in and had characters that were relatable, likely due to their status as university students. I think this is …
Posted in Blogs, Bolaño | Tagged with Damien Hirst, Stein, Wieder