
Week 11, Bolaño, Distant Star

Roberto Bolaño’s Distant Star was an intriguing novel. The book’s narrative style felt innovative, weaving a chilling story of political extremism, artistic ambition, fascism (though I still struggle to grasp this idea), and the destructive forces of love. Bolaño’s use of a fragmented, non-linear narrative structure created a sense of disorientation, perhaps mirroring the chaos […]

Distant Star

The task of unraveling the intricate web of themes in Roberto Bolaño’s Distant Star proved to be quite challenging for me initially. Without the historical context in which the story is set, it was hard to fathom the significance of the novel’s central themes. However, my perplexity cleared up after watching the lecture that expounded […]

Blog #11 – Distant Star

 I really enjoyed reading this short story this week. The story started off in an environment very similar to one you would find here — a group of students joining together to study something they loved. Having the story start off very light and i…

Blog #11 – Distant Star

 I really enjoyed reading this short story this week. The story started off in an environment very similar to one you would find here — a group of students joining together to study something they loved. Having the story start off very light and i…

Week 11: Distant Star

This week I chose to dive into “Distant Star” by Roberto Bolaño. I enjoyed this week’s reading as it felt like I was reading some sort of mystery crime novel filled with thrilling scenes. As we’ve all realized throughout the weeks, names have importance, and at first glance I thought the novel would be in […]

Week 11: The Politicisation of the Artist in Bolano’s Distant Star

    My first emotion while reading Roberto Bolano’s Distant Star was shock—the author does not paint the portrait of the artist as a relatively favourable position in Chilean society, but rather bleak by contrast. Through censorship, disappearances and political violence—both overtly depicted as well as presented in artistic mediums in the case of Carlos […]

distant star

I felt somewhat indifferent toward this novella, Distant Star by Roberto Bolano. It had a similar energy to the Borges book we read (which I hated) but in a more accessible fashion. I have previously encountered the Bolano Literary Universe thanks to a…